“For seers, to be alive means to be aware,” he replied. “For the average man, to be aware means to be an organism. This is where seers are different. For them, to be aware means that the emanations that cause awareness are encased inside a receptacle.” “The fire from within”, CC.

Embodied consciousness has a form. Endless amount of forms – interpretation systems of reality.

Consciousness = reality. But One thing manages to play games with itself, “me and the rest of the world”. So-called Living Duality 😉

Drunvalo Melchizedek in his works explains that Merkaba (stellated octahedron) is a form of consciousness of a human being. Likewise, we can assume that all polyhedrons may be different forms of consciousness – of other living beings, endless number of levels of complexity of reality interpretation.

Book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”

We may say, it’s the point where life/consciousness meets geometry/polyhedrons.

My own journey of polyhedrons exploration is mostly concentrated on platonic solids – the simplest area to begin with, because they are called to be the perfect ones among the simplest.


Exploring multiple complex polyhedrons we improve/upgrade our own mind/consciousness.