The exploration of a multi-verse and the inter-dimensional experience of what it means to be human has been a deep inquiry in each of our lives. As we uncover our own unique purpose, our own unique expression, the experience of our past takes on new meaning and our perceptive evolves.
Living Duality reflects our own process of evolution by offering new patterns and relationships between the apparent inside and outside. As our views and perspectives shift, so does the form, light and matter, which all reside at the heart of ThIs all. We are awakening, like Dendrites of the same brain emerging from a long slumber. IT IS Time.
We present to you a basic codex, a living map of the multiverse that is both a metaphoric language of art and architecture, as well as a living codex underlying a Unified Field Theory between physics, consciousness, and all things.

It is important to note that the Unity Theory was not constructed in any form. At all times, it was deconstructed and synthesized from listening to the commonality between all things; born from an interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature of
Suchness It-Self.
Within this inquiry, was asked one question, is this true? We all know that feeling when something resonates and is True true.
Those moments, whose whispers, that know before you no but don’t know How you Know. At the heart of That inquiry arose a set of immutable tenets that could be deconstruct no further.
These tenets provide a basic set of building blocks, mechanisms and dynamics between and within all things; both high and low inside the microcosm and macrocosm.

It is my heart, and my mission to express That. That space that puts word to the ineffable and shines light on God’s eternal and immutable form.