“The ego tunnel is an autonomous computer installation. An old PC system was dismantled and all components rebuilt into a new constellation. This newly configured system is only able to observe itself (through a webcam) and reproduce the image of itself in...
One of my fav polyhedrons to make 🎨💜💠 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FSJqUHFXN/?igshid=10hoc66r9nkk2 As all my items, this one is also my 100% handmade author’s work. Doing my best to make it the highest quality possible 🙏...
Blessed to have such a view from the window. “The twilight is the crack between the worlds. It is the door to the unknown”. CC, Tales of Power ” Сумерки — щель между мирами, это дверь в неизвестное.” КК, Сказки о Силе. “Дон Хуан подробно...
“For seers, to be alive means to be aware,” he replied. “For the average man, to be aware means to be an organism. This is where seers are different. For them, to be aware means that the emanations that cause awareness are encased inside a...
“Идея о том, чтобы прожить свою жизнь достойно и красиво все больше вытесняется идеей о “красивой жизни” – истинный вызов и подвиг человеческого бытия низводится до примитивных радостей жизни легкой, веселой и полной ярких впечатлений. Настоящее...
Totally liked the article. “The third attention goes beyond the self, beyond awareness and beyond truth; it is quite simply raw perception. It is the ability to transcend time and space, to enter into a space of non-duality and consciously merge with the...
Happy to share photos provided by Fifth Element Group – event organising company, which appreciated my art really high 🙏💠💜 ⠀ So happy to become a partner and a part of this event in Toronto. Surprised and delighted seeing how the FifthElementGRP team represented...
Always had probles naming colours… <3 http://sh-yndesign.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html http://gmod.org/wiki/Glyphs_and_Glyph_Options Color Shades & Names...
“Он сказал, что видящие, естественно, считают, что сознание всегда приходит извне себя, что настоящая тайна лежит вне нас. Поскольку по природе эманации в великом служат для того, чтобы фиксировать то, что в коконе, то трюк сознания состоит в том, чтобы...