Geometric Models
Each of these models has first been designed as a thought experiment on the nature of reality.
The tenets from these thought experiments are then modeled geometrically as a system according to the underlying physics, math and natural order of the system being considered. This is LivingDuality.
At each stage of the process I ask the questions, “Is this True?” and listen for the next step that unfolds.
The basic building blocks of these systems are then modeled out to understand the working dynamics of the living structures, mechanisms and dynamics that unfurl.
Many of these models are available for custom commissions with one requirement.
You must tell me something about it and how it has spoken to you.
These are adopted, not sold and each calls to those that See.
These are Portals of Geomancy that align, clarify and amplify the edge of the veil and connect dots throughout Space and Time.
** Within all thing, ideas and products on this site, Viewer Beware. When you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back. **
Monthly patrons can enjoy these models in VR within Google Poly, Oculus Quest and TiltBrush.
Customers from the Gift Shop can view the original models from their purchase within TinkerCad as well.
We hope you enjoy the Journey.